With lots of help from our kindergarten families, Gingerbread Day was a success! Thank you so much for sending in supplies, making frosting and house bases at home, and helping out in the classroom!
We had 7 kids absent on our Gingerbread Day, with the never-ending crud that's going around, but we have saved materials for those kids to make their houses when they return. Gingerbread Day in the culmination of our Gingerbread Literacy unit. We have read many different gingerbread stories, by many different authors. We have compared and contrasted these stories, analyzed characters, used the books for retellings, and spent time getting to know the authors and illustrators of these great books.
I was very impressed with construction this year! Kids were very thoughtful and creative. Some years, the houses just look like candy explosions. This year, kids were very careful and most had a plan in mind for what they wanted their houses to look like in the end. I think a good time was had by all and hopefully most of the houses made it home in one piece.
Happy Gingerbread Day!