Important Kindergarten Info

Kindergarten Nuts and Bolts

School Supplies
Please bring school supplies to Meet the Teacher so we can organize materials before children arrive on the first day.

Family Connection Meetings  (20 minutes each)
Please bring…
·         Your child
·         Your questions
·         A verbal description of your child’s background, interests, and any pertinent information you would like us to know
·         Introducing Me booklet (if you have it)
·         School Supplies (it not dropped off yet)
Let us know if you need a translator.

First Day
Feel free to drop off your child and walk with your child to classroom to take some quick pictures. We recommend saying, “Goodbye,” at this time, when the children are all sitting at the carpet waving goodbye to you.

Drop Off/ Pick Up
We meet outside the main front doors every morning at 8:25. We walk out at 3:07 (in the beginning) and 3:10 normally, with dismissal at 3:15 for school, in the afternoons and will gather on these walls also. When facing the school, you will see Mrs. Ross and Montgomery's class gathering on the left. If tardy, please sign your child in at the office.

Getting Home Information
Please communicate with your child and with us how your child will be getting home daily, e.g., parent pickup/walker, busser, or Boys’ and Girls’ Club. It is helpful to label this information with your child’s name on the inside of his or her backpack. Please include the bus route number, if busser. If your child has an older sibling whom she/he will need to connect with at the end of the day, this is also helpful information to know!

Parent - Teacher Conferences
·         September (Family Connection Meetings)
·         October and March
*Sign up with our office staff or online.

Meals and Snacks

When planning for these,
1)  Please watch for classroom allergy alerts, and
2)  Consider the culture we are establishing of forming healthy habits.

Please contact your teacher if you would like your child to be eating breakfast at school.

Daily, 11:15
Home or school lunch (If we see no lunch in backpack, we will send child in line for school lunch.)

School Lunch Payment:
·         Pre-paying online on CVE website*
·         Money: In baggie with student’s first and last name
·         Check: labeled with student’s first and last name

  • Daily Snack:
    • AM Snack, Lunch, PM Snack (if needed – could be leftovers from lunch)
  • Examples: crackers, graham crackers, fruit, veggies, cheese sticks
    • Water only for snacks
    • DRY food for morning snack
  • Non-examples: chips and cookies  
    • No fruit cups or yogurts that may spill on the carpet
    • No juice or milk for snack (for lunch ok)
    • Allergies of our class (nuts)

It is very helpful to keep lunch and snack(s) SEPARATE, so children know what is snack and what is for lunch.

·         A way to celebrate each other!
·         We are promoting healthy habits, so healthy treats please.
o   Option of trinket bags, stickers, fun pencils
·         Please let us know they are coming ahead of time.

Thursday Folders
·         Check the take home folders each Thursday and send it back to school the following day.  We will try to hold communication until Thursday.

Early Release on Fridays
1:15 school dismissal every Friday; Kindergarten walks out ~1:10

We love volunteers! Around Fall Conference Time, we will have signups for volunteers. You will need to pick up and fill out a volunteer packet, along with a copy of your driver’s license at the office. Think about what you want to bring to the classroom: focus on helping with teacher tasks, working with students as with whole class or with small groups, and any expertise/ interests you have (art, experiences to share that our students would enjoy learning about, etc.).

·         P.E.
·         Music
·         Library: children will be checking out 1 book a week. This will promote responsible habit of returning weekly. Families are responsible for missing books, and will be noticed of overdue books.

Daily outside recess

We get dirty and wet at school, as we play outside and do messy projects at times (art/ sensory centers). Please sent extra clothes with your child!

We believe in integrating learning into daily life, and will share ideas of how to organically support your child’s learning through experiences outside of school. Also, a top priority is to read to, with, and then listen to your child read! 

Please contact your child’s teacher if your child has allergies and let us know what kind and their severity (life-threatening or not).

All medications must be given to school office.

Contact –
Please email your child’s teacher, from your preferred email address(es) for classroom communication and add your child’s name into the email.

Becca Ross:

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