The first day that peanut joined us, we spent some time touching her and feeling her shell. After that, we washed our hands very well and agreed to let Peanut have her space and just look without touching.
The kids love to sit by Peanut and watch her move around. She's much more active than I expected a turtle to be.
Her favorite spot is her water basin. She loves to sit in the water and watch the kids or dunk her head under water for a little bath.
I was surprised to find out that a big Rubbermaid container was the ideal habitat for Box Turtles. We have some coconut shavings at the bottom, a basin for water, and different lights to keep her warm.
This is only my second school year with Peanut and I'm learning that she is very picky. She doesn't like vegetables, but love bananas. She likes crunchy bugs, like rolly polly bugs and meal worms. She'll eat garden worms only when they look really yummy.
We love having Peanut in the classroom and look forward to continuing our inquiry of turtles and their needs!
Happy learning!