Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Dot Day

It was Dot Day in Kindergarten today!

If you aren't familiar with books by Peter J. Reynolds, please be sure to check them out at the library.  I'm a huge fan of his work and the mission he has to help children. Here is a great video with Peter that we watched in class, which also helped inspire our Dot Day work.  Here is the You Tube video of the book. 

And now, onto our Dot Day work...

This was our first experience with tempera paints in the classroom.

Peter Reynolds talks about mixing his colors, so we practiced mixing our colors as well.

For many kids, this might be a first experience with BIG messy projects like this.  The kids did a GREAT job!

I loved the different interpretations of what great "dot art" might be and we really focused on the way Peter Reynolds encouraged us and showed us that even a little dot can make beautiful art work.  All we have to do is give it a try!

The kids loved experimenting with paints and this was a great opportunity for me to introduce this art material in the class.  It also set the foundation that we all have unique types of art and one piece isn't better than another.

Here is the Dot Day song, if you are interested.  The official Dot Day is on September 15th, but Peter Reynolds says it's on September 15th-ish.  You'll just have to read his book called Ish to find out all about that idea!

Happy reading and painting!


  1. How fascinating and inspiring!!! We are so fortunate to get to have this connection with what our kids are doing at school. We hear their stories and have to try to put bits and pieces together to try and make sense of what's really going on and what they are trying to explain to us.☺To see their learning in action, WOW! We are lucky! It is so exciting to me! Thank you Becca for sharing with us! It makes it so much easier and I am thrilled that I get to bring my child to learn in your class everyday!

    1. I'm so glad you like it! I love being able to really SHOW parents what is going on through photos.

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